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Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
The Shiva is the creator of the cosmos. It is often seen that many individuals confuse Shankar and Shiva. Shankar is the destroyer while Shiva is the founder, Shiva is formless, the shiv linga denotes him however Shankar is the creation of Shiva itself. Some scholars have even said the Shiva is the supreme god, and he's the creator of the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. So Maha Shivratri is widely celebrated worshiping and remembering the Lord Shiv. 

Shiva meditates about the high Mount Kailash, a few maharishis that Shiva is meditating on the summit of Himalayas but because he is vibrating that we humans that have very low frequency can't watch him says it.

For denoting him though some scholars assert that shiva differs from Shankar, for the sake of simplicity we'll utilize shiva. Lord Shiva has covered himself a snake is on his throat, and he's covered with ashes.

There's a great deal of treasure of knowledge supporting everything associated with Shiva for e.g. it is the best to maintain Shiva painting or statue with half eyes open and half-close, it's the sign of earth in the creation.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
He has a third eye that's closed, but it demolishes anything and everything that comes in contact with it, when it has opened afterward. Since he is thought of as innocent shiva is also called Bhola Nath and Bhole Shankar and grants every and any wish to his followers. 

So there's nothing in this world that can't be accomplished from the Kripa (bliss) of god Shiva, nothing is hopeless if you merge yourself with Shiva. His wife's name is Parvati, and two sons are Kartikeya and Ganesha.

Out each Hindu god, Shiva's son Ganesh is the one of and can be considered as a good luck charm. In India before starting anything or any project considered Hindus worship Lord Ganesha.

While his son Kartikeya is a war god and can also be called Murugan. Kartikeya's main objective is to demolish demons, represented by tendencies in humans.

Many Hindu people worship Lord Shiva but very few really know about the actual significance of Maha Shivratri, the term Shiva means auspicious the one.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
There is so much said about Bhole Nath in Hindu mythology that is almost impossible, to sum up in few hundred words, but the fact is you don't have to understand everything about him to get the joys and getting whatever you desires.

Maha Shivarathri is being celebrated on 2nd March, Wednesday. Many people throughout the nation play Jagran with this day for the blessings of Lord Shiva and will maintain fasting. There are lots of stories that relate to the celebration of this festival.

Many people today feel while others believe that on this particular day, Lord Shiva consumed poison at the time of Samudra Manthan in order to protect the entire world that Shivarathri marks the marriage ceremony of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
One story which illustrates and the rituals of Shivarathri tells the importance of fact to us. From the olden times, there lived a hunter called Gurudruha. 

He uses to lead his family by hunting the woods for the animals. He didn't find any animal in the woods, so he decided to stay there at nighttime 1 day. A Bili Tree was at which it sat and climbed on. 

Below the treethere was a Shivalinga. Afterwards at two' o clock-doe (lady deer) came there for drinking water close to the lake. While searching for the deer, a few biliary leaves and water dropped on Shiva Linga.

Noticing the sound, the doe asked the hunter allowing her to meet with kids, and she would return. The hunter asked, How can I feel you will return back again? She answered,' I guarantee that I will return'. The hunter consented to send the deer.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
At 3' clock, lady deer' sister arrived there to drink water. Whilst searching water and some leaves fell on Shiva Linga. Lady deer's sister also pleaded him to give permission to meet with kids and her loved ones. She wins the trust by asserting the facts of the hunter and moved from there.

After some time, another deer (Lady deer husband) arrived in search of his wives. The hunter dropped biliary leaves and water on Shiva Linga while aiming the arrow at that stag (male deer). Consent was also taken by the bull from the hunter and went off.

All 3 deer met at one place. They've resolved to hand their kids over however, the children wanted to come with their own parents. Finally, they all came to a hunter. But, looking among animals at such a fact and the innocence, made him feel guilty. So, he chose to stop hunting.

The Puja that he did eradicated all of his sins and purifies his heart. Suddenly, Lord Shiva granted a blessing and seems there,'You will be born as Guhan, as a friend of Lord Rama in second life'.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
One should worship the Shiva with water and Biliary leaves at 4' o clock along with Jagran and fasting on Maha Shivratri day for the blessings of Almighty.

Lord Shiva is regarded as the third god in the trinity. He owns the power of destruction and purification. It is that Lord Brahma starts creation . For those believers of Lord, he is the power in this universe.

Devotees believe he could be easily happy but he becomes mad easily too. His name means gracious, auspicious and kind. He is also proven to be quite truthful to his wife Sati and later to Parvati.

Lord Shiva and Goddess Sati

Goddess Sati was King Daksha's daughter and wife of Lord Shiva. Daksha ran Yagya without inviting Lord Shiva and Sati.

But Sati moved into her father's kingdom and wanted to attend the Yagya. Sati couldn't bear insult and the mindset from her dad so she immolated herself upon arriving there. Hearing this Lord Shiv became angry and began performing Rudra Tandava, carrying the body of Sati.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
On account of the flame out of his third eye, the kingdom of Yaksha was wiped out. To be able to make him calm, Lord Vishnu threw it in the world and severed the body of Sati. The twelve places where her body parts dropped were known as the Shakti Peethas.

After Sati's immolation, Shiv started the life of an ascetic. However, Sati took birth since the daughter of Himavan as Parvati. She knew about her past birth and began tapas re-unite with him and to Shiv when Parvati grew old.

He tried to hit at the arrow of love against Shiva. He got reduced and angry Kamadeva with his strong eye into ash. Later, upon the petition the spouse of Kamadeva, of Rati, Shiv revived Kamadeva. Parvati, adamant to please lord Shiv began penance.

Soon, because of the devotion and truthfulness and compulsion by sages of Parvati, Lord Shiv married her earlier Amavasya on the month of Phalguna. This night is known as Maha shivratri, Shiv's nighttime.
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
Maha Shivratri
Maha Shivratri has been observed even today by devotees of Lord Shiva, around the globe. They observe in this festival and also visit some of the shrines.

Another version of Maha Shivratri legend claims that Goddess Parvati had done severe tapas to ruin. It is believed that she prayed to her husband's extended life on the day of a moonless night in the month of Phalguna.

Continuing this tradition, womenfolk do poojas and offer prayers to Lord Shiva - the perfect husband- wanting long life and their husband's good health.

Jai Shamboo...
Spectacular Vision And Beauty Of Maha Shivratri
